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Mud Online Learning Center

Kursus Bahasa Inggris

Mud Online Learning Center

Untuk semua level

Teacher :
Course Level :
Akademik :
Semua Tingkat
Metode Bahasa :
Indonesia - Inggris
Metode Kursus :
Online & Tatap Muka
Lulusan : S1 - Bahasa Inggris
Pengalaman lebih dari 5 tahun
Tentang Kursus Ini
Modules Conversation Level Anak :
1. Intoduction ( Perkenalan )
2. Greetings and Partings ( Salam Jumpa dan Salam Perpisahan )
3. Exercise ( Latihan )
4. Meal Time ( Waktu Makan )
5. Asking Time ( Menanyakan Waktu )
6. Fun Games
7. Days of the Week ( Hari - hari dalam Seminggu )
8. Months of the Year ( Bulan - bulan dalam Setahun )
9. Let's Count ( Ayo Berhitung )
10. Fun Games
11. Let's Play with Colors ( Ayo Bermain dengan Warna )
12. Lets's Mix the Colors ( Ayo Kita Mencampurkan Warna )
13. Fun Games
14. Let's Play with Shapes ( Ayo Bermain dengan Bentuk
15. Fun Games
16. My Family ( Keluargaku )
17. What is Your Hobby ? ( Apa Hobimu ? )
18. At the Zoo ( Di Kebun Binatang )
19. Let's Play Music ( Ayo Bermain Musik )
20. Clothes ( Pakaian )
21. Doing Sports ( Berolahraga )
22. Vehicle ( Kendaraan )
23. Occupations ( Pekerjaan )
24. Around the House ( Di Sekeliling Rumah )
25. Fun Games
26. In the Kitchen ( Di Dapur )
27. Fun Games
28. In the Bathroom ( Di Kamar Mandi )
29. In my Bedroom ( Di Kamar Tidurku )
30. What's Your Favorite Vegetables? ( Apa Sayur Kesukaanmu ? )
31. Fun Games
32. Know Your Body ( Kenali Tubuhmu )
33. Public Places ( Tempat - tempat Umum )


1. Conversation
- Greeting
- Introduction
- Asking A Help
- Giving A Help
- Rejecting A Help
- Admitting A Fact
- Denying Fact
- Asking Item
- Giving Item
- Rejecting Item
- Asking Opinion
- Giving Item
- Rejecting Item
- Asking Opinion
- Giving Opinion
- Giving An Agreement
- Giving A Disagreement
- Accepting An Invitation
- Declining An Invation
- Congratulation
- Compliment
- Conversation on the Phone
- Giving Attention to the Speaker
- Asking Information
- Bargaining
- Planning During Holiday
- What is Your Favorite Food and Drink ?
- Daily Activity
- A Favorite Actor
- Borrowing Something
- Order Something in the Restaurant
- Conversation in the Public Store
- Feeling Regret
- Invitation
- Reservation Room in the Hotel
- Ambition

2. Parth of Speech
- Noun
- Adjective
- Adverb
- Pronoun
- Conjuction
- Preposition
- Interjection
- Verb

3. Tenses
- Simple Present
- Present Continuous
- Present Perfect
- Present Perfect Continuous
- Simple Past
- Past Continous
- Past Perfect
- Past Perfect Cotinuous
- Simple Future
- Future Continous
- Future Perfect
- Future Perfect Continuous
- Simple Pst Future
- Past Future Continuous
- Past Future Perfect
- Past Future Perfect Continuous

4. Passive Voice
5. Elliptical Structure
6. Causative Verb
7. Question Tag
8. Informal Contractions
Tarif per Jam :
Rp 499.000
Tarif Paket :
Kamera Web :
Tarif per Bulan
Rp 499.000
Waktu Kelas
3x seminggu
12x pertemuan / bulan
90 menit / pertemuan
Jumlah Murid
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Rp 499.000 /jam
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Expert in Bahasa Inggris
Jakarta Utara
Rp. 499.000 /jam
Online & Tatap Muka
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Expert in Bahasa Inggris
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Rp 550.000 /jam
Online & Tatap Muka
Expert in Bahasa Inggris
Jakarta Utara
Rp 499.000 /jam
Online & Tatap Muka